Food & Drink

Delicious Apple & Feijoa Crumble

We decided to change up one of our favourite apple crumble recipes by adding some homegrown feijoas.

Feijoa season in New Zealand typically runs from mid-March until the start of June, and often when you start to spot the feijoas budding on your tree, it isn't long before they come thick and fast and you will have a surplus of the delicious fruit!

We decided to change up one of our favourite apple crumble recipes to add our homegrown feijoas.

Apple & Feijoa Crumble

Serves 2.


  • 1 tbsp flour

  • 1 tbsp coconut

  • 1 tbsp rolled oats

  • 20g butter

  • 1 Granny Smith Apple (stewed)

  • 2-4 feijoas

  • Custard (optional)