
WeatherWatch CEO On Weathering The Winter Blues, Future Forecasts + AI

"It's like throwing a handful of coins on the ground, you know they'll cover the floor, but it's tricky to say precisely where each coin will land," Duncan explains.

As winter well and truly sets in across Aotearoa, WeatherWatch CEO Phil Duncan offers the latest rundown of what can be expected from our skies in the coming weeks and in general through the rest of the cold season.

He highlights Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a common phenomenon during the gloomy winter months, suggesting simple tips such as keeping your environment well-lit to combat the winter blues.

Duncan also offers a comment on the longer forecast, shedding light on the unpredictability of the upcoming week's weather and tackles the challenges of AI in weather forecasting, particularly around the availability of accessible data.

Listen to the full chat between Phil Duncan and Dominic George above.

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