
Julia Jones Embracing Change with Optimism

They discuss the Casino Royale-themed Dairy Women's Network event.

Dom George chats with Julia Jones from the Real Optimism podcast, powered by REX. The conversation focuses on the importance of optimistic and solution-focused discussions during challenging times in agriculture.

They discuss the impact of alternative proteins on the dairy sector. Jones sees a distinction between disruption and obliteration of the sector by alternative proteins, suggesting, "It's not that the sector's done something wrong. But remember, just before Kodak went under, they had a couple of their most amazing years." This comparison highlights the necessity for the agricultural industry to be forward-thinking and not complacent in the face of change.

Another key aspect of the conversation is the power of strategic language in agricultural debates. Jones criticises the use of war-like rhetoric, stating, "I think by aggressively assuming it's a war and taking, I guess, battle stations, it's actually not engaging people."

They discuss the Casino Royale-themed Dairy Women's Network event. Jones says there was a complete lack of ego among the nominees.

"There was no kind of sour grapes, there was no ego, and it just demonstrated, right, if we are genuinely working together, then we don't need any egos in the room."

Listen to the full chat between Julia Jones and Dominic George above.

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